
Children's Commissioning Support Resource

Why join CCSR?

If you offer placements for children, then CCSR is for you...

CCSR is used by every local authority in Wales to match children to placements.

It acts as a shop window for those commissioning services to search for care settings and provides a list of available places in the independent fostering and residential care sector.

Funded by local authorities and providers, CCSR offers a focused, outcomes based matching service as well as creating a competitive environment for tendering for local authority placements in an environment that is open, structured and fair.


Established in 2005, CCSR is the Welsh Government endorsed national commissioning tool for local authorities in Wales. It has access to the whole Welsh local authority market for placing with independent providers.

CCSR is a web-based portal with no licensing costs, which means providers can have unlimited users with access to this secure resource.

What do service commissioners think?

"Providers can upload and maintain their own key documentation, so we get access to their latest inspection reports"

"The provider directory allows me to pick up the phone and call any provider on the system".